Balanced Bodies Massage
Integrative Massage and Muscle Activation Techniques


"I have had a lot of massage and Renae is by far the best. She really knows how to tune into the exact area(s) of muscular tension, and gets rid of my pain". -KD

"Renae is a miracle worker. My lower back feels better than it has for months". -SK

"I haven't had any problems with the bursitis or any pain in my shoulder since my last massage with Renae". -JU

"Thank you for the splendid and comforting massage. I've incorporated several of the isometric techniques that you shared with me and find that they are very helpful". -RS

"Renae's office is like an oasis from the stress of my busy life. Massage is the highlight of my whole week"! -GN

"I limped in the door and walked out free of pain! Renae knows how to zero in on the pain. She helps me understand how I can change my posture and explains what may be contributing to the muscular imbalance". -JH

Please check my linked-in site and FB site for additional testimonials.


Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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